Arulmurugan institutions

Arulmurugan Polytechnic College​

Approved by AICTE: Affiliated to Directorate of Technical Education and Training, Chennai.

(An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution)

Garment Technology


         The department was started in the year 2007-08 and it offers three year full time Garment Technology course. Northern India Textile Research Association (NITRA) predicted that about 25,000 crores will be invested in apparel and garment industry by the end of 2010 and more than 3,50,000 production and quality supervisors will be required. But the output from polytechnic and other colleges are only in few thousands, thus leaving a wide gap between the demand and supply of trained manpower in apparel and garment manufacturing arena.

Features of the course:

  • Most reasonable educational plan for piece of clothing industry at Tirupur, Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai and Delhi.
  • Modernized Piece of clothing Research facility furnished with most recent cutting, weaving, melding, sewing and completing machines.
  • Plan studio outfitted with style studio and Article of clothing computer aided design.
  • Product Promoting as an elective subject.
  • Article of clothing Costing, ISO 9000/14000, SA 8000 and Quality Administration frameworks for materials are educated as extra courses.



    We have following labs in Garment technology ::

    apc Garment constructionapc Garment Decoration
    apc Garment Testing Labapc Chemical Processing( Dying & Printing)

    Equipments ::

    apc Lockstitch Machine
    apc PadlockStitch
    apc Zigzag
    apc Fashion Maker
    apc Allfabric & Yarn Testing Instruments
    apc Screen Printing Machine

    apc Dyebath


    APC Value added short-term courses are conducted during vacations and in the evenings to enhance the hands on training of the students

    APC To enhance the technical knowledge of our students Industrial visits are being arranged three times in a semester.

    APC In-plant trainings are mandatory for our students during the semester vacations.

    APC Engineering association meetings are organized wherein resource persons from neighboring industries and institutions are being invited for lectures and seminars to uplift our students to cope up with the present industrial scenario.