Arulmurugan institutions

Arulmurugan Polytechnic College​

Approved by AICTE: Affiliated to Directorate of Technical Education and Training, Chennai.

(An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution)





Area of expertise :

In this advanced data age, the power, being the blood of everything, has turned into the basic piece of living souls. India is quickly creating power plants as the developing interest of force arrives at new levels. In addition, nearly 80,000 MW of power must be produced within five years, providing electrical engineers with a bright future.

The Electrical and Gadgets Engg was begun in the year 2008-09 to create that possible designers.

Features of the course:

  • Give essential information on electrical and gadgets designing standards alongside the expected supporting information on math, science, registering, and designing basics.
  • Foster the fundamental abilities expected to perform and plan exploratory undertakings. Develop the ability to plan a process for solving problems and projects using a variety of technical skills and knowledge.
  • Give adequate broadness and profundity to fruitful ensuing alumni study, post-graduate review, or deep rooted learning programs.
  • Give an appreciation to the wide range of issues emerging in proficient work on, including cooperation, administration, wellbeing, morals, administration, financial aspects, and expert associations.
Name of the LaboratoryMajor Facilities
Electrical Machines Lab
DC and AC machines, Transformers, 100 A Rectifier, Auto transformers, Rheostats, Loading rheostats, Belt brake drums, Measuring Instruments.
Power Electronics LabSCR, MOSFET and IGBT modules; R, R-C and UJT trigger circuits; SCR DC voltage and current commutated choppers; SCR & TRIAC phase-controlled modules; SCR Half-controlled & fully-controlled converters; Speed control of DC Shunt Motor using fully-controlled converter; Cycloconverter; SCR series & parallel inverter, IGBT chopper; IGBT PWM inverter; A.C. voltage controller.
Control Systems LabAC and DC position control servo; P, PI and PID Controller; Temperature transducers; Stepper Motor Controller; Synchros; Ward-Leonard Method of Speed Control; Motors and Generators for calculating Transfer Function; Lag, Lead, and Lag-Lead Networks
Measurements and Instrumentation Lab..C. and D.C. Bridges; Instrumentation Amplifiers; Transient Modules; A/D and D/A Converters; LVDT; Thermocouples and other Transducers; Energy Meter; LCR Meter




APC In-plant training is mandatory

APC Following value aided courses are conducted during the vocation period
APC Programmable Logic controller (PLC)
APC Designing of PCB
APC Designing and simulation of Simple Electronic circuit
APC Computer Hardware servicing
APC Xerox machine servicing
APC Programming in PIC controller

APC Industrial visits have been arranged to improve the student technical skills.

APC Guest lectures by engineers from various industries.

APC Students are motivated to do mini-projects to acquire practical experience.

APC National seminars & conferences are arranged in various thrust fields.

APC Students are trained to do some of the working modals to enhance their learning capabilities